Jillian Anderson

Jillian Anderson

HERide Inc.

Jillian Anderson was born in Livingston, NJ and at the age of two, she moved to Athens GA with her family where she spent the majority of her adolescent years. Years later, Jillian attended Albany State University where she graduated in the Spring of 2015 with her Bachelor’s in Computer Science. After graduating college, Jillian had the unique opportunity to play professional basketball overseas in Morocco. After fulfilling her dreams as a professional athlete, she returned to Atlanta GA to pursue a career in IT. In order to refresh her tech skillset, she joined a full stack developer bootcamp. Fast forward three years and over twenty-five thousand downloads later, HERide is officially in its beta round of testing and the response has been incredible. This year the goal for HERide’s team is to onboard one thousand drivers in the Atlanta area and raise at least $1.25 million in a pre-seed funding.